
Amial Arnold Johnson
Born: August 4, 1891, Delaware County, Indiana, USA (out of Wedlock to Flora Johnson) Died: February 14, 1932, Muncie, Delaware, Indiana, USA
Married Bertha Riddle in March 3, 1917
My Ancestor's Journey... Where our Story Begins...
Thank you for taking the time to check out my newly redesigned website. My name is Brad Johnson and this site is dedicated to tracing my family's heritage. The genealogical research of my ancestors and all of their descendants are combined into this family database. These records includes biographical information, stories, photos, and source documents that related to their history. Not everything is authenticated, but I am working through the database so as much information as I can find is available through this database. I strongly urge you to do your own due diligence on my information. If you see anything to update or have stories, records, documents, or photographs of individuals, please share them with me. Also if you have any feedback, submissions, or suggestions, I would appreciate the information as well as with any errors, the corrections with sources.(Please click the "MORE" link at the bottom of this section for a form to fill out.)
This site is for Family Members Only!
Family members who request an account must be in the database; or can document how they are a descended of someone in the database to register. Please click the "here" at the bottom of the page to request an account.
This site carves a place for my family in the larger historical perspective and preserves our past. All of these people in our tree, have contributed to my family's genetic makeup and personalities. There are thousands of names -- people who fought in conflicts, revolutions, and wars. There are -- pilgrims, immigrants, and wonders from all over the world. And all of these people are a part of me and my family, they are all a part of who we are! This is our story ...
Married Bertha Riddle in March 3, 1917
had 6 children with Amial Johnson -- Robert, William, Gertrude, Arnold, Retta Bee and Jack.
Married Etta Mae Alexander on October 1, 1921
had 6 children with Jabez Farrington -- Luella, Sarah, Grace, Betty, John and Robert.
...Some of my favorites...
"Like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."
Both my parent's and their siblings were raised in the Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Children's Home in Knightstown, Indiana. My father lost his father, my mother lost her mother, both ended up in the Indiana Soldier's and Sailor's Children's Home where they meet and later in life -- married!
The information contained on my website pertains to my family's direct line ancestors and has been researched, sourced and verified by me. Information pertaining to collateral lines may or may not have been verified completely yet.
If you need to contact me "Click here for ways to contact me!".